Presently, the erection of this monument is anappearance of the attitude
of the Azerbaijani people
to his historical past and culture.
İlham Aliyev


Jahanname - ("historical rhyme") means making verses of an event taken place within the period of any ashyg as an evidence testimony. It may be expressed in all poetry forms from poetic standpoint. "Divani-mukhmmas" by Ashyg Juma and "Goshma Bayani-hal Jahanname" by ashyg Bahman may be included to the hystorical rhyme. In Jahanname, the master ashyg prefers as a rule the style of the poetic appeal and identify himself as a witness of the event.
Çin-çılpaq lərzələşib çıxartdılar ərşa səda,
Xilasdı bir azacıq, qalan canlar oldu əda.
Neyləsin Molla Cümə, təqdirinmiş bəlkə, xuda!
Min üç yüz iyirmi səkkiz, eylə fərman Göynüyü,
Rəcəbül mürəccəbdə, qaldı pərişan Göynüyü.

To become ashig and travel the countries,
One should have comprehensive knowledge,
He should be good in way of behaving,
And should have civility and politeness.


Javani - this ashyg melody created by Huseyn Javan is executed and read based on Gerayli poetic form starting from the main fret in the common tune.


Jalaloglu - this melody created by ashyg Jalal Gahramanov is in the spirit of gozelleme. It is executed in a common fret and in the tune Urfani.


Jalili - this melody is related to the name of ashyg. It is executed in Urfani tune and in goshma poetic form.


Jangi - it is an energetic and cheerful piece of music, expressing the heroic and the spirit of knighthood. Jangi is executed while competition of athletes in Jidir Plain. As a rule, it is executed by the group of zourna players. Sizes are 2/4. Samples added to the main couplets of goshma's in the ashyg creative activity (often takes another dimension). For example, jigali mukhammes, jigali tajnis (see: jigali mikhemmes, jigali tajnis, goshma).


Jangi Koroghlu - the other names of this melody are: "Koroghlunun zil gaytagi", "Atustu Koroghlu", "Mounted Koroghlu". It is commenced from sprout fret in the tune Jangi.


Jiga - means "fancy, pretty". Jiga isa new poetic structure added to the poem structure to inside of the couplet, mainly before the base hemistich.


Jigali gerayli - it is a form rarely met in the Azerbaijani ashyg literature. The main fature of this form of gerayli is that the jiga is arranged and rhymed inside the gerayli. It is difficult to kick off the jiga used in jigali gerayli, which would be resulted in violation of the significance. Whereas, if we remove jiga from the jigali mukhemmes and jigali Tajnis, the content of the couplet will not be exposed to any violation.
Məhəbbət sarayı uçsa,
Qəlb alışar, dil vay eylər.
Könül pərvazlanıb uçsa
Gəzər yarını,
Öz dildarını,
Tapmasa, bil, vay eylər (a,b,a,q,q,q,b).

If the palace of love has been ruined,
And if the heart is grown up,
It will look for his lover,
His devoted lover,
His intimate…
Riddle, know, woe (a,b,a,q,q,q,b).


Jigali mukhemmes - the basis of this form includes the ordinary mukhemmes and the hemistich, i.e. the jiga consisting of five or seven syllables is arranged between the fourth and fifth couplets.
Can alan, getmə, dayan, bil məni candan elədin sən.
Təbiət bəzək vurub, şövkətü şandan elədin sən.
Kirpiklərin ox kimidir, qaşı kamandan elədin sən.
Oxurdum qumru kimi, məni lisandan elədin sən.
Xoşdur lisanın,
Böyükdür sanın,
Yoxdur nöqsanın,
Gözəldir canın,
Xoşdur dövranın,
Olum mehmanın.
Xalındır qoşa,
Səni yüz yaşa,
Dövran vur başa.
Belə süzüb, sallanışla insanı heyran elədin sən.

You, my merciless lover, stay here, let know that you tormented me.
The nature has made you from sublimity and glory.
Your eyelashes are as arrow and eyebrows as bow.
I sung as a turtle-dove, but became dump.
Your language is tender,
Your gloat is great,
You have no shortcoming,
You have a beautiful heart,
Your time is endless,
You have double mole, I wish you to live hundred years
You have to live splendidly.
You have amazed all persons.


Jigali tajnis - 1. Is executed based on jigali Tajnis's commencing from the main and Urfani frets in the common tune. 2. Jigali Tajnis is one of the poetic forms used more in the ashyg creative works. In this form, the jiga is added after two hemistiches of each couplet in strict compliance with the content of the couplet. Then, the thgird and forth hemistiches of the couplet are executed. The rhymed words contained in jiga used in Tajnis have to be jinas (see: Tajnis).
Çoxları qaldı bu cahanda avara,
Dolandı dünyanı qaldı avara.
Yox aşıq, avara,
Məcnun gəzər avara,
Uyma namərd felinə,
Səni qoyar avara.
Xəstə Qasım, nə gəzirsən avara,
Ölüm yeydir, belə günü görüncə.

Most people remained disengaged in this world,
Went round this world
Was in difficult situation,
Majnun is walking in uncertain condition,
Not tempted to the trick of the traitor,
As, he will leave you under an indefinite condition,
It is better to die…


Jure saz - means a qoltuq (bosom) saz, the saz with small size, is executed under the bosom, it has 4-5 stringes. It is sounded an octave higher than other saz's (see: saz).