Presently, the erection of this monument is anappearance of the attitude
of the Azerbaijani people
to his historical past and culture.
İlham Aliyev


Ikhtilat etmet (Communicate) - the meaning of this communication ("ikhtilat") is "conversation". It means close communication of performer with audience.


Ikibashli tajnis (Two-headed tajnis or tajnis on letter) - it is one of the types of tajnis distinguished by its phonetic peculiarity. Here, the main sign is the arrangement of letters on a certain rule in a poem.
Nə yaxşı bizə gəlibsən, canan,
Neçün gəldin belə hiyləbazinən?
Nərdən nərə düşdü yenə bu ceyran,
Necə tutar ala qarğa baz ilən.

Well you're here, sweetheart,
Why you cheated in this way?
From where this beauty came,
How crow will catch snake?


Image - it is the live and objective image of a idea, sensation, and events in the artistic works which in turn is one of the main aspects of these works. In a narrow meaning of the term it means the figures created by the writers. For example Eskandar (Aleksandra) and Nushaba in Nizami Ganjavi's Eskandar Nameh, etc.


Imran's divani - it was created by Ashyg Imran Hasanov.


Imran's gozallama - see: "agh bulaghi" (literally, white spring).


Improvisation - tell a poem impromtu without any preparation beforehand, create work while performing, response to certain story immadiately with a poem and express his / her atititude without any preparation. Talanted folk poets – songwriters growing among world nations (for example, Ashygs, akins, kobzars) are just such masters or artists having this improvizayion talant. S.A.Shirvani, M.A.Sabir, A.Vahid and others among Azerbaijan's poets were skillful in telling poems impromptu. Of course, this feature belongs to master Ashygs.


Injagulu - this melody in the spirit of "gozallama" (beautification) was created by Ashyg Abdi Gaymagli. It is played based on the poetry form of goshma starting from "Atustu" and Urfani parda in Urfani tune.


Innovation - it means completely new aspect in the literature and art both from the point of view of form and subject. In response to the demands of new era and the new generation of the people, a creative artist or writer creates a new work which reflects the new events, and the newly formed relationship between the people in a natural and live form which is called innovation. This term denotes the high professionalism of a writer or artist.


Inspiration - the most exuberant and tense periods of creativity, the creative enthusiasm and ability of master reaching to the highest level in his/ her character and spiritual world. In such cases, spiritual world, awareness, creative thinking functions especially in a strong and clear style that portrayed his/ her idea, opinions and feelings on the basis of life observations and perceptions through artistic characters and life scenes. Master/artist acts and creates works more enthusiastically when he/she is inspired. Instrument - musical instrument. A special setting to get the definite timbre musical voices. The musical instruments differ according to their extracting voice opportunities and structure characters.
The stringed musical instruments – are divided into types as per the method of sounding strings: the instruments with bow – a violin, a viola, a violoncello, a contrabass;
The tautened instruments – a harp;
Instruments with mediator;
Wind instruments – are divided into some types by materials with which they are made:
Copper instruments – trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba, French horn and so on;
Wooden instruments – flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon etc.
Types by structure: instruments with holes, instruments with reed uvula, mouthpiece instruments
Percussion instruments - any of various musical instruments that produce a sound when their resonating surfaces are struck directly, as with a stick or mallet, or by leverage action. They are divided into the below specified types by sounding:
Tuned instruments (percussion instruments having some loudness) – kettledrum, xylophone, bell (bell, handbell);
Unturned instruments (percussion instruments with undetermined loudness) – little and big drums, castanets, tam-tam etc.
Kinds by structure: instruments with recording plate, membrane instruments.
Keyboard instruments – being instruments supplied with special mechanism are differing by sounding methods, Kinds:
Keyboard-percussion instruments: piano-forte, percussion-stringed keyboard musical instrument with metal strings stretched horizontally and pedals for amplification and attenuation of sound.
Pneumatic-keyboard instruments: accordion, garmon (Russian accordion (with buttons instead of the keyboard)
Kinds of instruments by their sounding register: bass instruments, soprano instruments, tenor instruments
Kinds of instruments by their structure: natural instruments, transposition instruments.
There are lots of stringed, wind and percussion instruments used in music of different people.
Azerbaijani folk music instruments.
The stringed instruments: a tar, a saz, an ud, a tambour (bow instruments), kamancha (a bow instrument), canon, chang (stretching instruments), santour (stringed-percussion instrument) etc,
Wind instruments: zourna, pipe, ney, balaban etc.
Percussion instruments – drum, double drum, qaval (tambourine), def (drum) etc.


Instrumental music - music performed by several instruments, ensembles and orchestras of different composition; work intended for playing on musical instruments. It refers to instrumental music genres: dances, plays, prelude, fugue, sonata, simphony, quartet, quintet, concert etc.


Intermediate sound (glide) - a sound, which is not included to the chord composition and moving undulated between two chord tones. It has different kinds: diatonic or chromatic glide; upper or bottom glide; glide coinciding on square's fort or weak part;


Internal rhyme - words being in harmony in sound and having the same tone not at the end of lines, but within the lines. In such cases, several words comprising the line have the same tone with words either at the end of line or the previous word or next word. Internal rhyme is one of the means of expression that increases the harmony and the force of impact of poetry.
Alıbdır canımı hicran, olubdur gözlərim giryan,
O, məhvəş, nazənin canan neçün gəlməz, neçün gəlməz?
Əzizim, göz yaşım qandır, işim fəryadü əfğandır,
O yarım harda mehmandır, neçün gəlməz, neçün gəlməz?

That sorrow took my soul, my eyes became homeless,
Why didn't that beautiful sweetheart come, why?
Darling, my tears are blood, my art is wail,
Where is my lover, why she hasn't come, why?


Interval - (Lat.: intervallum – distance, space; and also, difference) relations between two sounds in music; the lower sound of interval is called as main, the upper sound of interval is called as –peak.
Intervals are called according to the quantitative and level measure of distance between main and peak sounds: It equals to prima – 1; sekunda – 2; tertia – 3; quarta – 4; quinta – 5; sexta – 6; septima – 7; octava – 8; nona – 9; decima – 10; undecima – 11; duodecima – 12; tersdecima – 13; quarta-decima – 14; quitus-decima – 15 levels.
Intervals can be net, small or large, increased or diminished for their qualitative measure. Types of intervals: simple and complex intervals, diatonic intervals, chromatic intervals.
İnterval return occurs from displacement of sounds and peak sound's turning into main sound; in this case, the quantitative and qualitative measures of interval change: for example, large secunda turns into small secunda etc.


Intonation - (Lat.: intonare – say aloud, speak loudly) 1. The smallest part having an independent expressive significance while sounding A piece of music by performer; 2. Height relation of sounds in the movement process of music; 3. The quality of performance of musical sounds during singing and playing; correct or incorrect performance of musical sounds; constant intonation or non – consant intonation; 4. Melodic turn – the same as the motif.


Irevan's chukhur - it is one of the melodies with two names. Its second name is "Chukhur oba". It is played based on the poetry form of goshma starting from Shah parda in General and Garachi tunes. (see: Chukhuroba).


Isharet (Gesture) - signs without voice and word shown by means of expression such as hands, hint, body movements etc. Ashyg Alasgar used these expressions in the following manner:
...İşarət eylədim, gözündən güldü,
Güləndə qadası canıma düşdü.

....I hinted, her eyes laughed out,
All her troubles fall on me while she laughed.


Istehza (Irony) - bitter laugh which aims to expose the negative, ugly events and characters in the artistic work. Irony is a case occurring as a result of speaking or writing person's being superior to the person about whom the former speaks. Sometimes, ahugs use the expressions "ironically laughed, looked with irony" about such characters while telling something.