Presently, the erection of this monument is anappearance of the attitude
of the Azerbaijani people
to his historical past and culture.
İlham Aliyev


Edebi mejlis (Literary meeting) - a union of writers and musicians that are close to each – other in terms of world outlook, creativity, artistic taste, literary interest etc. Even in the first century BC, there were literary circles in which Vergili, Horatsi, Propersi took part in the "golden age" of Rome's culture. Such literary unions operated in many countries of Europe with names such as "academy", "saloon", "lodge" etc. in the Middle Ages. The first literary circles in Russia were established in 30-40s of the eighteenth century. Since 30-40s of the nineteenth century, Azerbaijani writers began to organize literary meetings. The head of "Divani-hikmet" (The divan or meeting of wise men) was Mirze Shefi in Tbilisi, Kh.Natevan was the head of "Majlisi-uns" in Shusha, M.M.Nevvab was the head of "Majlisi –khamushan" also in Shusha, S.A.Shirvani was the head of "Beytus-Sefa" in Shamakhi, M.Sidgi was the head of "Anjumani – shuera" in Ordubad and others. Poets read and discuss their new works at these meetings that play a certain role in literary life, they hold poetry nights and "deyishma" and musicians perform there. Discussions are conducted about poetry and music and young people enjoyed them.


Education, learning - see: Musical education.


El havasi (Folk melody) - its original name is "Garachi", subsequently it has been called "Folk melody". It is played based on the form of poetry of goshma in General tune, Garachi tune and Shah parda tunes.


El shairleri (Folk poets) - see: Ashyg - poets.


Ensemble - (Fr.: Ensemble – jointly, together) 1. a group of musicians, actors, instrumentalist or dancers who perform together.


Ensemble by the number of musicians - may be duet, trio (terzetto), quartet, sextet, septet, octet, nonet and desinet; ensemble is pertaining to a scene or passage written for performance by a whole cast, choir, or group of instruments.
2. A play designated to execute by a few participants.
3. A Play executed by a few participants.


Environment - see: Ashyg environment.


Episode - more or less complete part of works with the large and complex work (novel, drama, epic, poem etc.) that it has a relative independent meaning and significance in itself. For example, the episode describing the arrival of Isgandar to Barda in the work "Isgandarname" by Nizami. Episodes are also used in a piece of music.


Epithet - one of the types of metaphor: adjective added to other word in order to strengthen and enrich it in meaning in literary work; a word clarifying and determining any quality of situations, person and object. Writer brings to mind such a point of situation by means of epithet that it is very important and significant for reader to know it. There are also such epithets passing from one writer to another one, from one work to other used in written and oral literature that these are called abstract epithets. For example, gazelle – eyed, rosy faced, ruddy cheeks etc. epithets are abstract epithets. Ashygs use many epithets while telling epos.


Ethnomusicology - see: Musicology.


Evvel-akhir tajnis (literally, before and after tajnis) - this type is a form of tajnis created on a certain letter. It is mainly found in XX century's Ashyg poetry. Both form and content is observed in each couplet, every line begins with the same letter without prejudice to poetical requirements and ends with that letter. One of the creators of the best examples of "evvel-akhir tajnis" is Molla Juma.
Zaval yoxdur, sənə ördək, sənə qaz,
Zaman keçir, yaz hovuzunda yüz ha yüz.
Zənbur avazına dönübdür avaz,
Ziyanım var, çək boğazım yüz ha yüz.

There is no fear for you, duck and goose,
Time passes, swim in spring pool swim.
The melody has become bee's voice,
I have losses, catch and gargle me.


Exposition - one of the parts of plot of literary work; the earliest history of stories reflected in the work and creation and development condition of these stories are given in exposition.


Extempore - (Lat.: expromtus – always ready and prepared) an instrumental play done impromptu and unprepared; it reflects artistic content and characters created in the imagination of composer at some point; composers usually call plays with the nature of passionate improvisation in this way. A small, mostly jokingly poem created by poet orally or in writing with the impact of feeling or this strong and important opinion though unexpectedly. It is very close to improvisation in nature. They are melodies created impromptu in music. Poems created impromptu Ashygs' "deyishma" (kind of poem composed by Ashygs). The process of meeting based on the ancient tradition.


Eyham (Allusion) - an ambiguous word, gentle hint used for irony purposes. Such allusions were used in the languages of Isgandar in the work "The Dead people" by J.Mammadguluzade, Gulush in the work "Sevil" and Imamyar in the work "Yashar" by J.Jabbarli for several times. Ashygs also tell allusive words to one – other during "deyishma" (kind of poem composed by Ashygs).